Sophie’s Rubber Room X
Be creative, be bold, be wild – nothing is off-limits.
Work in an agile, interdisciplinary team for one semester and generate creative, user centered solutions with a strong social impact.
Work in an agile, interdisciplinary environment
You will work together with designers, architects or rocket scientists and learn tangible methods for project management following an agile process. Learn to make use of both your individual strengths and the benefits of collaborative teamwork. You will work in your team for 14 weeks in an iterative, agile and creative way, supported by a tutor.
Apply user-centered design methods
How can we create innovative solutions that are precisely tailored to the user? … Put the user first! With an user-centered design approach, you will work on creating innovative solutions that fulfill the identified user’s needs and desires. Therefore, you will iteratively work through the four phases of user-centered design and learn to apply different methods.
Follow a leitmotif that has social impact
The course will be provided with a leitmotif that addresses a social issue – a so called wicked problem. You will define your team topic within this leitmotif and elaborate on it during the course. Due to the individuality of the teams, at the end of the semester you will have generated all sorts of innovative solutions that address the leitmotif in different ways.
During the course you will follow an user-centered design approach. Most important fact about the process is, that it is not linear, but iterative. Therefore, you will walk through four types of iterations, that each set a different focus. The focus always lays on one of the following four phases: Explore, Ideate, Prototype or Evaluate.
Understand context by immersion and gain inspiration and empathy for the user. Don’t try to find a solution – discover the underlying problem. Apply methods like user interviews, analogous inspiration.
Breaking out together, being creative and open minded to generate many ideas. Defer judgement – there are no bad ideas at this stage. Apply methods like brainstorming, the 6-3-5 method or storyboards.
A prototype is a manifestation of an idea that allows stakeholders to interact with it and to explore its suitability. It essentially just needs one thing: a purpose. Apply methods like rapid or paper prototyping and role play.
Verify that users can use a product/service and that they like it – particularly if the design concept is new. Get early and regular feedback. Apply methods like Cognitive Walkthroughs, User Testing and Thinking Aloud.
Course Details
IDP-X is a course hosted by the TUM Chair of Ergonomics where students of different faculties work together in a creative, agile and iterative manner for one semester.
It will kick off before start of lectures with a three-day Creative Thinking workshop. Here you will get to know your peers, form a team and get first insights in both the user-centered design approach and agile project management. Please note, that the workshop takes place the week before the lecture period starts (see dates and deadlines below).
After completing the workshop you will be given a leitmotif or challenge to inspire you in the journey and start your own projects! During the semester you will meet once a week for a mixture of input sessions, milestone presentations and soft skills workshops. There you will be equipped further with theory and practical tools so you can develop your own ideas and grow as a team.
Each team works independently on its topic with the support of a tutor. You as a team are in charge of every decision made, so be ready to take your teamwork skills and creativity to the next level! Anything is possible, as long as it is new, it is true and it does matter.
Important Dates
Tuesdays 2 pm – 4 pm: weekly lecture
07/04 – 09/04: Creative Thinking Workshop (3 full days, mandatory)
27/04: Milestone I
18/05: Milestone II
15/06: Milestone III
16/07: Final Presentation
30/07: Deadline Report
Who can participate?
Missed the deadline?
Submit your email here and get notified when the next application period starts.
Want to be a part of the IDP-X?
Send a short motivation (~200 words) and your CV to or use the application form below.
Application Form
Klaus Bengler
Professor at Chair of Ergonomics
Caroline Adam
Background: I studied Human Factors Engineering after my Bachelor’s degree in Sports Science. Since then, I have been working at the Chair of Ergonomics and every day I am thrilled anew by the creative ideas that emerge – especially in collaboration with you, the students.
Fun Fact: I never wear matching socks
Lorenz Prasch
Background: Black, obviously. But that’s just a side note. After my Bachelor’s in Cognitive Science, I completed my Master’s in Human Factors Engineering in 2016. Ever since, I have been working (and teaching) at the Chair of Ergonomics at TUM.
Funfact: I can roll my tounge three times